€ 15.500,00
Opel Vivaro Camper

Campers / carvans
Geplaatst 1 year ago
574 bekeken

€ 15.500,00
Opel Vivaro Camper

Campers / carvans
Geplaatst 1 year ago
574 bekeken


Selling this beautiful camper perfect for 1 person or a couple.

It has 1 solar panel above with and extra battery in the back, that gives you 12V energy inside to charge phones and small devices. It powers the light and the pomp for the sink.

13l container for clean water and another 13l container for dirty water under the sink.

Gas stoves, with 2 stoves(you can keep the remaining if the gas there is)

APK for 11 more months.

The gear box has been replaced this summer. It runs very smooth now. The engine is in very good condition.
Wheels, 4 seasons, changed a year ago.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write.


Conditie (staat): Gebruikt
Transactie: Verkoop

Fernando’s profiel

Fernando Geregistreerd sinds 1+ year Laatste keer online 1 year ago
Omschrijving verkoper De verkoper heeft geen omschrijving geplaatst. Bussum, Noord Holland, Netherlands

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    Geregistreerd sinds 1+ year
    Laatste keer online 1 year ago
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    Advertentie locatie

    Bussum, Noord Holland, Nederland
    52.27333, 5.16111

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    Opel Vivaro Camper Opel Vivaro Camper Opel Vivaro Camper Opel Vivaro Camper
    € 15.500,00 Opel Vivaro Camper door Fernando